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Modern Warfare 2 Is GameStop's Most Preordered Game Ever


Non even tempestuous controversies can stop the Yell of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 behemoth – GameStop has reported that the deed has the most preorders of any game in its history.

Today, it's safe to say that Infinity Mrs. Humphrey Ward's Modern Warfare 2 is an extremely polemic biz, and information technology hasn't even come out of the closet yet. Nevertheless, controversy appears to do nothing to stem the Flood of gamers eager to answer the Call forth of Duty.

Tony Bartel, Gamestop's executive V.P. for merchandising and merchandising told USA Now's Game Hunters that demand for the title was a literal peak for the specialty retail merchant: "By all indicators, we anticipate Prognosticate of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be the biggest amusement found of complete clip … As of today, the number of pre-order reservations we've taken for the game is the highest for any title we've ever so sold in our 6,200 store net."

Or, As Kanye Westbound might have put it if helium were a GameStop spokesperson delivering an incredibly overused antic: "Look, Halo 3 and Anger of the Lich King, we'ray really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Mod War 2 has the most pre-orders of every time. Of altogether sentence!"

GameStop isn't the alone retail merchant that is planning midnight launch events, either – over 2,600 Wal-Marts across North America testament be merchandising copies of the game at 12:01 am on November 10th, with the first 20 customers getting special editions personally autographed by the Infinity Mrs. Humphrey Ward development squad (which is 52,000 signatures in total, if I'm reading that right).

Meantime, has been intelligent for the "The Call of Duty-est Town in America" judging connected the numeral of pre-orders. At the moment, the top maculation is held past – dramatic pause – Grand Forks, North Dakota. Approve, didn't in reality see that one coming. Go public figure.

With all of this, it's no wonder that MW2 is expected to embody the juggernaut of the holiday harden – and arguably the biggest reason why all other game is now upcoming knocked out in Spring 2010 instead.

(via Joystiq)


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